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GreenWELL Brands

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CBD: The Basics on How CBD Works in The Body [Infographic]

Want to learn more about the basics of CBD? Discover more in this recent post: What is CBD? Why is Everyone Buzzing About It?

Tips and Tidbits About Common and Not So Common Cannabinoid Receptors

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in cannabis. To date, there are approximately 113 cannabinoids that have been isolated from the cannabis plant. These compounds are typically either psychoactive or non-psychoactive. Psychoactive means that it provides the "high" feeling that is often associated with cannabis use.

Tips on How To & Not To Store Your Cannabis Products

There is a wrong and a right way to store your cannabis products. We organized some tips and tricks to help you store any and all of your cannabis products; from flower to tinctures to edibles. We hope this helps you keep your products stored effectively to last as long as you need them to.

What Is CBD & Why is Everyone Buzzing About It?

What is CBD? It seems like everything and everyone is singing the praises of CBD these days. Absolutely everything seems to be infused or made with CBD. From skincare to candy. So what is CBD? Why are people buzzing about it? Is this just another fad that will come and go like so many other miracle cures?

Supporting The Nation’s 1st Harm Reduction-Based Drug Education Curriculum

We thought it would be fitting to write an article about drug education since we are a corporate sponsor for the Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) organization.

How the Federal Government Continues to Hurt Veterans by Restricting Marijuana Research

Doctors at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) rely heavily on opioids and sedatives to manage pain for our nation's service members. However, there is a reason for the proclaimed “opioid crisis.” These types of drugs are highly addictive and cause dependency issues when used for long-term pain relief. Anyone using these types of narcotic pain medications is at risk for dependence and...

Ditch The NSAIDs & Look To a Natural Anti-Inflammatory for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Relief for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome comes at no easy feat, and there really is no hiding the symptoms. But, do not worry, studies and science are showing that cannabis is, in fact, known as an anti-inflammatory itself.

Cannabis and Exercise. Do They Pair Together?

Cannabis and exercise sound more like an oxymoron than a match made in heaven. However, contrary to what many may believe, cannabis can indeed be a complement to a healthy lifestyle.

The Announcement of The Domestic Hemp Production Program

What is The Domestic Hemp Production Program On the 29th of October, 2019, the USDA Secretary, Sonny Perdue, announced that his team has had an all-hands-on-deck approach and that they are excited to announce the establishment of the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program. The program creates a consistent set of regulations surrounding hemp production throughout the United States.

Investing in Cannabis: What to Consider

Let’s do away with the age-old adage and nomenclature – its 2019 and the trends are shifting. According to Grandview Research, the global legal cannabis market is set to explode to an unbelievable USD $146.4 billion by the end of 2025.